A Festival for Every Taste on PEI
From Fish to Fiddlers, the festivals of PEI can capture anyone's interest.
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Souris is located on the far eastern point of Prince Edward Island and is the service city for Kings County. The area of Souris was an Acadian fishing village in the early 1700s. Souris is notorious for its epidemic portions of mice in the area from 1720 to 1760, affecting an astounding number of farms with infestation. The name for Souris actually comes from the French word for mice. Fishing still remains an economic stronghold for Souris, which is known as the "Tuna capital of the world" with prizewinning tunas as long as grown men. Tourism, fishing and agriculture now are the main industries for the city of Souris.
A cultural hotspot on PEI, Souris is home to a number of summer festivals, including a few world-renowned music festivals. The Rollo Bay Fiddle Festival that takes place every July was originally organized to help keep the Prince Edward Island's tradition of music alive. Many well known Atlantic Canadian musicians perform all weekend long, gathering fans from around the world. The other music festival is the Blue Grass Festival. Both take place outdoors, with beautiful campgrounds for accommodation. The beaches of Souris are like many other Prince Edward Island beaches, pristine, white, and not crowded like most tourist destinations. Souris is 80 km (50 mi.) from
Souris accommodations include hotels, bed and breakfasts, campgrounds and cottages.
Between Two Waters Summer Home
408 Red House Rd., Souris RR4
Lighthouse and Beach Motel